Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crocheted Rug

Crocheted rug

Last night I parked it on the couch, turned on the netflix, and crocheted a rug!  The pattern I used is sort of granny square.  I am happy with the way it turned out.  I've wanted to crocheted a rug for years and can't believe I've finally gotten around to it!

But first, a little background..

When I was a girl my mom, who is a super crafty lady, crocheted several rugs for the house.  Two of them were on my bedroom floor for years and, as these things go, I have managed to hang on to one of them.  I keep it in my spare bedroom, and I really treasure it.  It's held up well over the years.

Crocheted Rug,
Stitched up by my mom when I was a young one!

The vogue of crocheting fabric rugs has definitely waned.  Once, you were able to buy rolls of cut fabric for this purpose, but I've never seen any for sale. 

I used to work at a fabric store with this kind older lady.  She was sweet and gave me several rolls of fabric and I've been lugging them around for years with the intent of crocheting them up.


Pre-cut fabric rolls for crocheting rugs

For now I've got my rug in front of the fireplace.  I didn't make it with a particular spot in mind, but it makes a nice hearth rug.

The Yoko seal of approval

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