Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vintage Patterns

It is beautiful in Las Vegas today.  75 degrees, a little breezy, birds are singing and the air is fresh.  My husband and I were running a few errands and, on a whim, we stopped into the Salvation Army. 

There were plenty of VCRs and old blenders, and more plates and glasses than you could shake a fist at, but I found a few things I liked!  There was a beaded purse; circa 1880, with beautiful muted colors, and the beads no bigger than a pin head!  The $100 price tag was a little rich for my blood, but I got the lady to let me hold it a minute.

Then on a shelf next to a box of old eyeglasses, I found these old Simplicity patterns! 

1971, never cut

1969, cut, the collar pattern piece is pinned to some
fabulous green flower fabric!

1972, cut

1971, never cut

1968, well used

one Butterick, cut
no date, probably mid 70s

At a dollar a piece, I didn't pass up a one!

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